Carson City
Living Sustainably as a Homeowner
There are many simple things you can do, as a homeowner, to go green and live sustainably.
The following tips can help you to save money and leave a better environment for our kids and grandchildren.
If you are a homeowner or a tenant, you can make your home green by:
Reducing your Energy Consumption and Bills
Replace your light bulbs with LED’s or CFL’s
Conduct an energy assessment through Energy Fit Nevada, the state’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR to identify ways to save energy and improve the comfort of your home.
Participate in NV Energy’s and Southwest Gas’ residential energy efficiency programs or install a solar system.
NV Energy: Residential energy efficiency programs and solar programs.
Southwest Gas: Residential energy efficiency programs including energy efficiency rebates and promotions and the solar hot water program.
Setup service with Waste Management and recycle paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, steel and aluminum cans, or take your recyclables, oil, anti-freeze and car batteries to the Carson City Landfill at 3600 Flint Road (It’s Free)!
Conserving Water and Lowering Your Bills
Install water efficient, low-flow shower/toilet fixtures and use drip irrigation systems. Plant drought-tolerant trees, plants and water-efficient landscaping.
Using Alternative Transportation
The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) can help you get between home, work and destinations around you:
Take JAC (Jump Around Carson) Public Transit. Download their free application to locate a bus,
find the nearest bus stop, see arrival times, schedules, fares and more!
Muscle Powered suggests that you bike or walk - you’ll be surprised at how much better it makes you feel!
Living Greener
Purchase environmentally friendly goods and products, such as ENERGY STAR certified products and appliances, avoid indoor household pollution from smoking, household chemicals, materials, glues, paints and coatings that contain volatile organic compounds.
Sustainable Pets
Picking up after your pets keeps our city water and open spaces clean.